Located on the shore of Green Bay in Door County, Wisconsin, Peninsula Players prides itself on being a “theater in a garden.” The design of its New Outdoor Theater reflects the Peninsula Players’ tradition and natural surroundings. A strong sense of the woods is maintained in the structural use of heavy timber and native stone.
The open sides extend the garden through the audience space. For early and late season performances, movable partitions close for audience comfort.
The site comprises a rocky coastline, cedar forests, and rolling hills. Built in the late 1930’s, most of the 14 existing structures required renovation prior to modernization. These structures include a lodge, dining facilities, a 470-seat open-air main stage, dormitories, and several support buildings.
In addition to the design of a theater, support buildings were replaced. These include a new scene shop, audience concession, donor pavilion, new lodge, rehearsal hall, costume shop, and additional actor housing. Other site improvements provide new parking areas and site lighting, and restore the natural environment to manage stormwater run-off. All work and building designs reinforce the “theater in a garden” atmosphere.
19,000 SQ. FT.