Engaging with Hospitality 3 | Study Hotels, Holabird & Root completed the design and oversaw the construction of the Study at the University of Chicago - a 15-story Hotel for the U of C Campus. The 150,000-square-foot building includes 167 rooms, a fitness center, meeting spaces, and a restaurant. The space also includes 4,700-square-feet of conference space for events and additional gatherings.
The project includes an outdoor plaza facing the Midway, ideal for social occasions and celebrations. The space will be utilized for outdoor dining and banquets, meetings, and additional functions.
The design consists of three main massing elements. The first floor podium creates an inviting public lounge and restaurant space with a residential feel and includes an open storefront for views to the Midway.
The second floor conference level is a transparent glass volume at the base of the guestroom tower. The tower volume reads as a plinth of stone, with vertical seams allowing light into the public corridors.
The stone façade design creates a repetitive guest room module of precast concrete, dark brake metal, and vision glass with operable windows.
150,000 SQ. FT.